Rotala Share Price Index
25th January 2024 @ 05:00 am GMT
62.30 GBX
GBX 62.30
GBX -0.70 (-1.11%)
Open / High / Low
62.30 / 62.30 / 62.30
Volume (pcs.)
Share Price Tracker

Shareholder Analysis

Name of Director or Shareholder

Ordinary Shares held

Percentage of issued
share capital

John Gunn (including concert party interest)
7,326,340 23.62%
Mr Nigel Wray 2,969,749 9.57%
R. A. Dunn (Director) 2,470,340 7.96%
G. F. Peacock (Director) 2,275,075 7.33%
Mrs S. Tobbell 2,275,075 7.33%
S. L. Dunn (CEO) 1,827,196 5.89%
The 181 Fund Limited (also included in the John Gunn concert party interest above) 1,702,443 5.49%
Mr P. Phillips 933,833 3.01%
G. M Spooner (Director) 532,000 1.71%
K. Taylor (Director) 408,738 1.32%

The number of AIM securities in issue is 31,021,784 ordinary shares (excluding 5,910,000 ordinary shares held in treasury).

Page updated 5 January 2024